How Do I Use an External Microphone on Facebook Live?

Wondering, How Do I Use an External Microphone on Facebook Live? You are not alone. Many people have struggled with this very question. 

Luckily, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know to get started.

Necessary Tools: Selecting the Perfect External Mic for FB Live

Perfect External Mic for FB Live

The first step in using an external microphone on Facebook Live is selecting the right microphone. 

Not all microphones are created equal, and it’s important to choose one that will deliver clear, crisp sound quality during your live broadcasts.

Types of Microphones

There are several different types of microphones to choose from, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

  • Dynamic Microphones: These are the most common type of microphone and are known for their durability and reliability. They are great for live performances and are less sensitive to background noise.
  • Condenser Microphones: These microphones are more sensitive and provide a higher quality sound. They are perfect for studio recordings and are often used by professional musicians and podcasters.
  • Lavalier Microphones: These are small, clip-on microphones that are perfect for hands-free operation. They are great for interviews and presentations.

Selecting the Right Microphone

When selecting a microphone for Facebook Live, it’s important to consider the following factors:

  • Sound Quality: This is the most important factor. Make sure to select a microphone that provides clear, crisp sound quality.
  • Directionality: This refers to the area in which the microphone picks up sound. Some microphones pick up sound from all directions, while others only pick up sound from one direction.
  • Compatibility: Make sure the microphone is compatible with your recording device.
  • Budget: Microphones can range in price from $20 to several hundred dollars. It’s important to select a microphone that fits within your budget.

Utilize an External Mic on FB Live

Setting Up the External Mic for FB Live

Once you have selected the right microphone, it’s time to set it up for Facebook Live.

Connecting the Microphone

The first step is to connect the microphone to your recording device. This could be a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

If you are using a smartphone or tablet, you will need a TRRS adapter. This is a special adapter that allows you to connect an external microphone to your device.

If you are using a computer, you can connect the microphone directly to the computer’s audio input jack or use a USB microphone.

Adjusting the Settings

Once the microphone is connected, it’s important to adjust the settings on your recording device.

  • Volume Level: Make sure the volume level is set to an appropriate level. It’s always a good idea to do a test recording to make sure the volume level is correct.
  • Input Source: Make sure the input source is set to the external microphone.

Testing the Microphone

Before you start your Facebook Live broadcast, it’s important to test the microphone to make sure it is working properly.

  • Do a Test Recording: Record a short video clip and play it back to make sure the sound quality is good.
  • Check for Background Noise: Make sure there is no background noise that could interfere with your broadcast.

Quick Steps to Utilize an External Mic on FB Live

Utilize an External Mic on FB Live

Now that your microphone is set up and tested, you are ready to start your Facebook Live broadcast.

  • Open the Facebook App: Open the Facebook app on your recording device.
  • Go to Your Page: Navigate to the page where you want to broadcast your live video.
  • Start a Live Video: Tap on the ‘Live’ button to start a live video.
  • Select the External Microphone: Make sure the external microphone is selected as the input source.
  • Start Broadcasting: Once everything is set up, you can start broadcasting your live video.

Remember to speak clearly into the microphone and adjust the volume level if necessary.

Enhance FB Live Quality with an External Mic

Facebook Live has become a powerful tool for individuals and businesses alike to connect with their audience in real-time. 

However, one common challenge many face is poor audio quality. 

Here’s where using an external microphone can make a world of difference. It not only enhances your audio quality but also gives a professional touch to your live streams.

Pro Tips for Using an External Mic on FB Live

Pro Tips for Using an External Mic on FB Live

Using an external mic on Facebook Live isn’t just about connecting the mic and hitting the ‘Live’ button. 

There are several pro tips that can help you maximize the potential of your external mic.

  • Positioning is Key: The position of your microphone can greatly affect the sound quality. Make sure the mic is placed close enough to capture your voice clearly but not so close that it picks up unwanted noises like breathing or popping sounds.
  • Use a Windscreen: A windscreen can help reduce wind noise and plosive sounds that can occur when speaking into the microphone.
  • Monitor Your Audio: Use headphones to monitor your audio during the broadcast. This will help you identify and rectify any issues in real-time.

Expert Tips: Mastering FB Live Audio with an External Mic

Mastering your audio for Facebook Live involves more than just selecting a good quality external microphone. 

Here are some expert tips that can help you take your audio to the next level.

  • Use a High-Quality Microphone: This might seem obvious, but the quality of your microphone will have a significant impact on your audio. Invest in a good quality microphone that is suitable for your recording environment.
  • Use a Microphone Stand: Holding the microphone in your hand can lead to unwanted noise. Use a microphone stand to keep the microphone stable during your broadcast.
  • Reduce Background Noise: Make sure to minimize background noise as much as possible. Close windows, turn off fans, and ask others to keep quiet during your broadcast.

Upgrade Your FB Live Stream with an External Mic

Using an external microphone is one of the easiest ways to upgrade your Facebook Live stream. 

It not only improves your audio quality but also gives a professional touch to your live broadcasts. 

Remember to select a suitable microphone, adjust the settings on your recording device, and test everything before you start your broadcast.

Boost Your FB Live Audio with an External Mic

Improving your audio quality can greatly enhance the overall quality of your Facebook Live broadcasts. 

By investing in a good quality external microphone and following the tips mentioned in this article, you can boost your FB Live audio and deliver a better experience to your audience. 

Remember, your audience will appreciate the effort you put into delivering high-quality audio, and it will make your broadcasts stand out from the crowd.

FAQs About How Do I Use an External Microphone on Facebook Live

Can you use a USB mic on Facebook Live?

Yes, you can use a USB microphone on Facebook Live. 

Just connect the USB microphone to your device, make sure it’s selected as the audio input source in your device settings, and then start your Facebook Live broadcast.

How do I connect an external microphone?

To connect an external microphone, plug the microphone into the microphone jack or USB port of your device. 

Then, go to the audio settings of your device and select the connected microphone as the input source.

How do I make sure my external microphone is working?

To make sure your external microphone is working, go to the audio settings of your device and check if the microphone is selected as the input source. 

You can also do a test recording or use an online microphone test service to check the audio quality.

How do I change my microphone settings on Facebook?

To change your microphone settings on Facebook, go to the settings menu in the Facebook app or website, then navigate to the audio or video settings section. 

There you can select your preferred microphone and adjust other audio settings.

Why is my external microphone not working?

There could be several reasons why your external microphone is not working.

It could be due to a faulty microphone, incorrect settings, or a software issue. 

Make sure the microphone is properly connected, selected as the input source, and not muted.

How do I enable microphone input?

To enable microphone input, go to the audio settings of your device and select the microphone as the input source. 

Make sure it is not muted and the volume level is appropriate.

Why won’t my microphone work on Facebook?

If your microphone is not working on Facebook, check if the microphone is properly connected, selected as the input source, and not muted. 

Also, make sure to grant Facebook the necessary permissions to access your microphone.

How do I connect my microphone to Facebook?

To connect your microphone to Facebook, first connect your microphone to your device. 

Then, go to the audio or video settings on the Facebook app or website and select the connected microphone as the input source.


In conclusion, enhancing your Facebook Live audio quality is crucial for a successful broadcast. 

By selecting the right external microphone, positioning it correctly, minimizing background noise, and monitoring your audio, you can greatly improve your FB Live audio quality. 

Remember, the effort you put into delivering high-quality audio will not only make your broadcasts more professional but will also be appreciated by your audience. 

So, invest in a good quality external microphone and follow the tips in this guide to boost your FB Live audio and take your broadcasts to the next level. Happy streaming!

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